The best treatment for cracked heels and ingrown toenails


I was born with very dry skin. Since childhood, this caused my heels and other parts of my feet to crack whenever I walked barefoot or wore open shoes like sandals. Within three days, the cracks will deepen enough to start bleeding and became excruciatingly painful.

I was the only kid at school that never walked barefoot. Even in the heat of summer, I wore shoes and socks. Into my teens I became too embarrassed to walk in public with open shoes. My mom tried every treatment she could, even resorting to using balm for leather protection on my feet. It helped somewhat, but the idea of going to school with feet that smelled like leather balm was terrifying.

In my early adulthood, I started developing ingrown toenails and every so often had to go for in-room surgery. My two years in the military were a pure feet-nightmare. Imagine running long distances in army boots with painful bleeding feet and ingrown toenails!

Between my feet cracking and ingrown toenails, I tried every balm, cream, and treatment that I could find. Nothing really helped. A decade ago, I visited a podiatrist for the first time to sort out another painful ingrown toenail. During the surgery, she told me that unhealthy skin, the same problem that causes my heels to crack so badly, was the primary cause for ingrown toenails. She prescribed a cream that worked 80% of the time, although it cost an arm and a leg. When Lemvia started developing our natural hair and body care products, she worked day and night to find a solution for my feet as well. I switched to her Lemvia Pro Foot Cream for Heels with CBD two years ago, applying it twice daily, and within months my feet problems completely disappeared.

During a recent checkup call with the podiatrist, she couldn’t stop talking about how healthy the skin on my feet was and how my days of painful ingrown toenails were a thing of the past. She loved it so much that she started selling our Lemvia Pro foot cream to her other patients as well.

The last two summers, I have been walking barefoot for days on end and going to the mall wearing flip-flops. Something I could only dream of for most of my life.

We get the same feedback from other people suffering from feet issues. Especially people with diabetes tell us that since starting to use Lemvia foot cream, the blood-flow in their feet has improved to where the feeling has returned to their feet. The health of their feet and skin colour has improved dramatically. Some are even calling it a miracle product!

Lemvia’s experimentation with different purely natural formulas on my feet has certainly paid off. Today I am glad that we can help people suffering with feet issues, whether it is from dry skin, cracked heels, blood-flow issues or just plain tired and cramping feet that nurses, teachers and others that spend all day on their feet suffer from. Why don’t you try it for yourself as well?

Gerhard Strydom

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